xcor: Calculates cross-correlation function between two time series
lag: Calculates auto- and cross-correlation functions between sets of time series (generalization of xcor) spectra: Calculation of auto- and cross-spectra, coherence, phase spectra, etc (requires wrunavg.m)
spectra_seasonal: Calculation of seasonally-stratified auto- and cross-spectra, and coherence (requires spectra)
multcoh: Calculation of multiple coherence (the coherence between x and both y and z) (requires spectra)
fdeof: Calculation of frequency-dependent empirical orthogonal functions (FDEOFs)
wk99: Calculate the frequency-wavenumber diagram (or WK99) for Equatorial data
clonets: Clones a time series such that the clone has the same power spectra but randomized phases
latlon2km: Calculate distance (in km) between a pair of coordinates in latitude and longitude
dragcoeff_LP81: Drag coefficient of Large and Pond (1981)
doodsonX0: Doodson X0 filter for the removal of tidal signals from hourly time series
colormaps: A set of useful colormaps for maps of bathymetry and a couple maps that go from blue to red with white as the central value
marineHeatWaves: A module for python which implements the Marine Heatwave (MHW) definition of Hobday et al. (in preparation).
deseason: Deseasonalization of time series by itting of harmonics
Inkscape: A tutorial on how to use Inkscape vector graphics editor (Methods in Ten Minutes, MTM)
Plotting in Python: An Oceanographer's perspective on plotting in Python. Includes slides and and example scripts with data (Data Science Hobart, DaSH)